Deliver by 30/11/2024 for return shipment in time for Christmas. Find our more about our Christmas delivery deadlines

MEDIAFIX Christmas deadlines

Deliver on time, get it back on time

Make a gift of your favourite memories – just in time for Christmas.

We guarantee that you will have your order back in time until Christmas if you deliver your media by post on the dates listed below.

We convert your media in the order in which they are received – so the sooner you deliver them, the faster you will receive them back.

You can send your media directly to us by post.
Our promise for Christmas: We guarantee that we will return your order by 16 December 2024 at the latest if we receive your media on time by 30 November 2024. Please make sure you leave enough time for dispatch or, if in doubt, book the priority or express service. The table below shows the deadlines and the maximum quantities that we can digitise for you by this date.

After the first deadline (30/11/2024), you still can book the priority or express service to have your media digitised in time before Christmas. In general, all orders without a priority or express service are processed in the order in which we receive them.

Delivery times and maximum quantities per customer for dispatch on time by 16.12.
Our promise applies to these media: Regular deadline until 30/11 until 04/12 (priority service)* until 14/12 (express service)*
35mm slides and negatives: Standard+- and Premium quality 10,000 5,000 2,500
35mm slides and negatives: High-end quality 5,000 5,000 2,500
Negatives with Premium-inversion 5,000 2,500 500
Special/medium/large formats 250 500 100
Photos 5.000 5.000 2.500
Photo albums (single photos/whole pages) 250 500 250
Hasselblad scans 250 100 50
Cine films 50 50 25
VHS / VHS-C tapes 100 50 10
Hi8 / MiniDV tapes 25 50 10
Betamax, Betacam, S-VHS 15 10 5
Audio tapes / Recording tapes (per audio track) 25 10 3

Additional services such as post-processing of image and film media can also be booked without limitations for the specified quantities
*In order to meet the deadlines, you receive a download-link in addition to  USB storage. This is for free, exclusively if you book priority or express

Short request

Please tell us your phone number so we can give you free advice.
We use your data to generate your order form and send it to you. Please also read our privacy policy and promotion terms. A contract is concluded as soon as we receive your media along with your signed order form.

What our customers say


Very good communication. The digital copy is great quality. Quick and efficient
