We made the test for you: Converting old images media like slides, negatives and photos is expensive in time and effort, if you use a common scanner. It can also be expensive in money, depending on which on you use.
If you want to have it done by a professional provider, it often is not really inexpensive as well. Up to £0.30 for a 35mm scan with 1,200 dpi often are standard prices.
Due to our self-developed scan technology you can benefit from MEDIAFIX prices that are way under the prices of our competitors, considering comparable resolution, quality and amount.
We promise:
With our best price guarantee* you will always benefit from the less expensive prices for digitisation at comparable resolution and amount.
If you should see a cheaper offer, please contact our customer service at 020 3904438-0 or info (at) mediafix.co.uk.
Our claims are high und for that we have a strong team and self-developed and high quality machines that can provide fast and very good results:
MEDIAFIX already digitised over 219 million analogue media and made thousands of customers happy.
MEDIAFIX will give your analogue memories a digital future.
And all that with our best-price-guarantee*
Start a non-binding request now and have your slides, negatives, photos, 8mm films and video cassettes converted to digital.
*The best price guarantee is only valid in comparison to the standard prices of our competitors, not compared to discount promotions limited in time. The competitor has to be a registered company and existing since at least one year. This offer is only valid for media to be converted at MEDIAFIX. Max. order value per customer: £2.000.