Have photos scanned and edit them yourself

Fotos scannen bei MEDIAFIX

If you have decided to have your photos scanned, you will receive your digitised photos on DVD, USB stick or hard drive. The analogue photos have been converted to digital files that can be edited afterwards.

If you wish to edit your photos yourself afterwards, we at MEDIAFIX cann help you with this.

Scan and post-process photos: How does it work?

Scanned photos can be easily rotated or mirrored on the Computer. This can be useful, for example, if you want to place the photos in a photo book or simply find a different view better. Another editing option is scanning photos and then cropping them. This way, the motif you want to focus on, can be brought out more clearly and disrupting elements can be removed. However, you should consider that a cropped photo is also reduced in size afterwards. If you want to have a little more leeway when cropping, you should opt for a high quality level when scanning photos. This way, even the cropped image section still has a high resolution.

Je höher die Qualitätsstufe beim Fotos Scannen, desto schärfer sind auch einzelne Bildausschnitte.
The higher the quality level of your scanned photos, the sharper individual image sections will be.

For editing your scanned photos at home on your own PC, we at MEDIAFIX recommend the free IrfanView software, which you can easily download. Once you have downloaded IrfanView, open the scanned photo of your choice. If you want to rotate it, proceed as follows: On your keyboard, click the L key for a left rotation and the R key for a right rotation. You can save the changes by pressing the CTRL key and the S key at the same time. If you want to mirror your photo, click the H key on your keyboard for a horizontal mirroring and the V key for a vertical mirroring and then save again.

As mentioned before you also have the possibility of cropping the images or even leaving only sections of the photos. When you have opened a scanned photo with IrfanView, proceed like this: Draw a frame around the picture with the mouse pointer. This will automatically crop and remove the area outside your frame. You can adjust this frame with your mouse at all edges of the image, to create the section as you please. Then carry out the desired change by holding down the CTRL key and the Y key at the same time and then save again.

Save your memories with MEDIAFIX

If you have your photos scanned and would like editing or retouching, you can always contact us. At MEDIAFIX, we not only scan photos, but also offer semi-automatic post-processing. Find out how you can have photos scanned and enhanced with post-processing.

Save memories and have your photos scanned – at MEDIAFIX with best-price-guarantee.

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